Worlds Hottest Texas Chile

October 12, 2018

Worlds Hottest Texas Chile


If you like your dishes hot, this is the one to make. By adjusting the different types of chillies used,  you can really make this a signature dish.

For milder tastes and just a lovely chile, just hold back on the superhot.   

The spice drop is added after the long cook of the beef, once it has started to break down and allows the spices to come through.

The beer you use will really control the overall flavour of this dish so choose something you like. 
Red wine is a also really nice.

Chilli Mix
Superhot Chilli Powder to taste
Chipotle 2 tsp
Pasilla 2 tsp
Habanero 2 tsp
Cayenne Pepper 2 tsp
Hot Smoked Paprika 2 tsp
Spice Drop
Star Anise 2 Whole
Cloves 1 Whole
Cinnamon Sticks 1 Whole
Cumin 2 tbsp
Beef Mince 250g
Beef Shin 500g
Beer (I Like Hobgoblin) 440ml bottle
Passata 250ml
White Onion Sliced Finely 1
Garlic Finely Chopped 6 cloves
Vegetable Oil 4 tbsp
Garlic Powder 1 tbsp
Onion Powder 1 tbsp
Salt 1 tbsp
Sugar 1 tbsp


Heat 2 tbsp of oil and cook the minced beef on a high heat to brown it for 5-10 minutes.  Then do the same with the stewing beef and set the meat aside.

Heat another 2 tsp of oil and cook the onions with the salt and sugar on a medium heat for around 10 minutes until they are browned.  Add the chopped garlic and cook for another 5 minutes.

At this point stir in all of the chill mix and cook on low for 5 minutes.  

Add the meat to the above mixture along with the bottle of beer and passata.  Give the mixture a good stir and turn down to the lowest heat.

Cook for 2 hours.

Add the spice drop and cook for another hour or until the beef is tender.

Serve with rice, sour cream and tortilla chips.

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